This Lesson Tee...
/The Lesson Tee at Berkeley Hall
I have worked on this tee for 15 years. Almost one third of my life! This tee didn't exist when I was first approached about being the Director of Instruction at Berkeley Hall in 2000. Little did I know that at the time I was about to embark on the most important and fulfilling professional journey of my life. I arrived as a young and excited teacher who thought he knew all there was to know about teaching and in a few weeks I will leave as an older, wiser and equally as passionate teacher who knows significantly more, yet wouldn't for one second think I know even close to enough.
When you stand outdoors in one place as much as I have you get to see quirky and interesting things that those who work indoors simply never get the opportunity to experience. I have seen deer, rabbits, bald eagles, armadillos and fish. Yes, an osprey once dropped a live fish on the tee! I've even had a lesson interrupted by a long black snake that casually slithered through an ever widening gap between my student and I. There have been birds catching other birds and snakes catching frogs, but my favorite memories are the people.
I've had the privilege to teach some amazing people on this tee - from youngsters just starting the game, to global business leaders and world-class athletes. I'll never forget the boy who showed up to camp with his golf bag, but he had no clubs. Or how many students tried to help me with my five year battle to get rid of a pesky mirror-tapping cardinal. I'll always remember the wife who cried every lesson because she was trying to learn golf to win her husband back. And the young lady who I happened to record hitting a golf ball backwards - every time her family was in town they would stop by the Learning Center and ask to see the video so they could have a laugh. Those memories stand out, but it's the friendships that were forged on this turf that will stay with me forever. People that have taught me so much more than I could ever teach them.
This lesson tee and my experiences here have enriched my life immeasurably. I can only hope that the next person who gets to ply their trade here will make as many lifelong friends, learn as much and be as blessed as I was to work here. I will always fondly remember this tee. Thanks for the lifelong memories and friendships Berkeley Hall.