Straight Shooting Concepts

We can all do perform better when we have good information. A clear understanding and vision of how things really work. In this video I will try to share important keys to help you start to hit the ball with more accuracy via a few simple concepts. Watch…

A few notes to consider:

  • We hit straight shots by swinging in circles/arcs

  • The clubhead does not need to travel ‘down the line’ after impact

  • There is no need for every golfer (RH) to work towards swinging to right field. Chronic slicers might need to do this for a while, but not forever!

  • Divots will typically show us far less than we have been led to believe

  • Once you know how to hit a hook, it’s time to neutralize

  • Improved mechanics will almost always reduce the golfer’s reliance on timing and athleticism


In the above image, due to the slower than necessary shutter speed, you can clearly see how Sergio’s clubhead has started to track back inside the flight of the golf ball. That’s a common trait for all of the best ball strikers in the game!

Thanks for watching/reading and I hope this information gets you thinking and, ultimately, playing some better golf.

If you’d like to attend one of my Three Day Golf Schools to get some personalized, hands-on attention please check out this LINK snd shout with any questions you might have.

Downswing Matters...

Most of you have been following me for long enough to know that I believe the location and orientation of the clubhead in the early downswing are vital to an effective golf swing. The appropriate position and orientation of the clubhead will enable you to rotate freely through impact, controlling the face and compressing the golf ball. The following short video will help you understand the value of clubhead position in the early downswing and why it’s so important in building a sound impact position

Where you position the clubhead in the early downswing is integral to your ability to rotate and manage the club face through the impact interval. Better rotation means less flipping and more accurate shots. This matters - big time.

In the following short video you will learn why, even though you may have been doing a better job with positioning the clubhead (shallowing the shaft), your game has not improved. Improper shallowing can compromise the club face angle in the early downswing and actually promote active hands or flipping through impact. Here’s the remedy…

There you have it. Getting the clubhead deeper (more BEHIND you) in the early downswing without compromising the face will produce incredible results for almost every golfer I teach. I suspect it will help your game too. A good place to start is in front of a mirror - create the proper look, don’t worry about exaggerating things, take the appropriate feel from that look and go out and practice. Keep reinforcing in front of the mirror.

A Young Jack Nicklaus

A Young Jack Nicklaus